Sunday, January 17, 2010

Long week, or weak

Woah. First of all, i would like you all to know that I am currently looking at this and it is making me beyond happy:
That being said, its been a long week. Today was the last day in a long series of days amounting to 7 days in total (the number of days in a week). Big weeks have a few things that come along with them, and there is zilch you can do about it:
1. You are going to get tired, and most likely feel similar to woeful appearance of my current shoes (avert your eyes!):
Those babys are ancient, ahem, Wise. Old learned man cycling shoes.
2. With tiredness of your body comes certian mental responses, mainly the fact that you become a universal asshole. This morning i found myself angry at my tires for not being fast enough, then i got angry at myself for making excuses, then i got angry at myself for getting angry at myself, and then with perfect timing my roommate decides to talk and I immediatly figure that whatever hes saying is stupid and makes me, you guessed it, angry.
3. You will get dehydrated. Below i have included my arsonel of hydration tactics that lead to grumpy moods and dry skin on day 7 of the biggest week of the year so far (the including of coffee paraphenilia twice is no oversight, it just proves a point. and yes, thats a gigantic pitcher of OJ, i reccomend 1 a day)
4. Again, you will get tired, and need to relax. I am told that your should only sleep in your bed, not other things like watch movies or read because then you may have trouble sleeping. SO, if you lack a couch, improvise with the patio furnature cusions, a pillow, a good back support, and a floor!
5. Your muscles will revolt. So, like midevil times, when you cannot get something you want out of someone who is to stubborn to give it to you, you torture that person until they give in. The following are 4 effective torture devices for causing your legs and body to submit to your will, nomatter how stiff, sore, and tight they try to get:
6. You get hungry. And you also need to give props to your awesome cast iron pan. So you use it to cook your everything, and then you post a picture of it on your blog. I dont know how, but this somehow has a positive effect on your wellbeing. 7. Lastly, during a long week, when you finally get home from the last ride, you will roll into the rock driveway, relieved that its all over, and get your wheel stuck in the big rocks, be too tired to un-clip your foot, and fall over in front of your house, worthless and exhausted.

So, tomorrow, I plan on sitting in a coffee house for some much deserved time away from the bike. Hopefully the days off will cause the emotional wuss side of me to creep back into the darkness and the "i cant wait to ride my bike" part of me returns.

Oh, and a final note. I have been really wishing i had a place to call my home recently, so I got on the old interweb and searched out homes in areas that are not Tucson yet are condusive to biking (just with more trees and water outside, and less cacti), and a long sickening search ended in my submitting of my resume to a local engineering company looking for a part-time engineer to do solidworks design. Oh well, hard work is good, and money isnt everything!

For old times sake:

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