Sunday, June 9, 2013

Stemper Nation Unite!

You would not believe how many pictures of roads I have. Look! A road!!

Another road!!

You can hardly tell that those two roads speak completely different languages. Its so hard for me to tell, but I've found that as I travel around, people seem to be able to pick me from a crowd as a non speaker to their native tongue. Since I'm usually trying to buy something, the person working at the checkout counter views me more as a bummer than a customer. If only we could all be a little more like roads.

I've been on the road for.... a while now, and currently sit in a Comfort Inn in Quebec, where its raining, so naturally its time to revisit the blog-o-sphere. I realize that I have a lot of people close to me (ahem, mother) that do their best to find out what I'm up too, and I do a pretty terrible job of making time to say hello, I'm alive, and I didn't win, again.  I have no excuse for that besides I am always tired, never in the same place for long, and kill my phone battery in record time.

For you folks of the self proclaimed Stemper Nation, I give you this blog! Which is likely to include:
- Pictures of roads!
- Complaining about air mattresses and pets that shed!
- Stories of Bobby Sweeting laughing at literally everything I say!!!
- Jibberish
- Hotel cooking, which is like home cooking, but nothing like home cooking
- Rants about things related to Fox News reports
- Essays related to whatever daily life passion I temporarily adopt
- My life, the way I see it.

You have no idea how much I appreciate you all, and I hope I can give a small fraction of the love I get back.

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