Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Trying out this new fangled windows live writer blog program

Hello there folks, its almost Tucson time so that also means free time with tired legs (FTTL) is near. I recently got a new netbook with all this cool software on it, and I am trying to learn to use it.  Today’s lesson: Windows Live Writer. 
Apparently i can write blogs without signing into blogger and therefore not need any internet until posting time.  This means i can write and write and write without that fancy internet thing being anywhere near any of my ports.
Ok, lesson 1: Pictures.
COOOOOOL. JIM’S LEFT LEG!!!  Yeaaa, thats right, it looks fine.  Thought i chipped a bone or something, and that is NOT the case.  Found out one thing tho, that being i am a wuss.  I must peel carrots.
Umm Lesson 2: Hyperlink
Careful what you type on that fancy iphone
Hope that works. Hilarious.  Lesson 3: hmmm lets see, PHOTO ALBUM?!
Thats cool, its like when 1800 tequila pours him a shot and he is pretentious about it. There is the ability to make a table, no idea why, but lesson 4:
Bold Strikeout Underline Italic
This is
not very help ful
Ok, so that kind of sucked. What do you think “tags” are? Lesson 5, maybe:
No idea what that was.  That was maybe lesson 4.5. Ok, so we also have a map, this i was not going to do because it seems self explanatory… But here is the cookie cabin for lesson 6ish:
Map picture
YEA YEA YEA, WHATEVER WILL I USE THAT FOR? Well, last, but not least at all is a video. This should be easy.
I must say:
This new blogger program is fantastic, and hopefully will create a beautiful new blogging something or other that brings you joy. This is me trying out a quote.
Well, there we have it. I leave for Tucson on friday, more to come (not many tables tho, really not helpful) Boom, good day!

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